FAQs and Resources
Logging into ShopCPR/Setting up your Individual Account
Question: How do I log into ShopCPR?
Answer: If you have an individual account (login) on any AHA website, log in using your AHA username (email) and password. For example, if you’re an AHA Instructor, log into ShopCPR using your Atlas account.
If you do not have an AHA account, on the ShopCPR homepage, click Signin/Signup, then select “Create an account.” You’ll be able to use this account login when using other AHA websites.
For detailed instructions, view the how-to guides below: How-To Guide – First time Login with AHA account (Instructor Network, eLearning, eBooks)How-To Guide – Creating a New Account with ShopCPR
Question: I’m having trouble logging into ShopCPR. Who can I contact for help?
Answer: If you have followed the steps above and are still having problems, contact:
AHA Login Assistance
By Phone: 1-888-242-8883; available Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Central Time
By Email: shopcpr@email.shopcpr.heart.org
ShopCPR "Organizations"
Question: What is a ShopCPR "Organization"?
Answer: An Organization can be a Training Center, Training Site, or any other purchasing group.
Question: Why would I need to create an Organization in ShopCPR?
Answer: You can shop for yourself on ShopCPR anytime; however, to do the following things in ShopCPR, you will need to create a new Organization:
• Add other users who can order
• Apply for invoicing
• Indicate tax-exempt status
Question: How do I set up a new Organization to shop on behalf of in ShopCPR?
Answer: To set up an Organization to shop on behalf of, click on your profile and select My Organizations. From there, click “Create new organization account,” and complete the requested information.
When you set up your Organization account, please make sure to add all Users who will be ordering on behalf of the Organization (and/or using an Organization’s approved invoicing account, if applicable). See Adding Users section below for more information.
For detailed instructions, view the how-to guide below:
ShopCPR "Users"
Question: What is a User for a ShopCPR Organization?
Answer: A User is someone who is designated to order on behalf of an Organization.
Question: How do I add users to an Organization in ShopCPR?
Answer: To add users who can shop for your organization, go to your profile and select My Organizations. Click the users icon or "View / Edit" link within the Organization block. Click “Add a New User” and enter the user’s information. Please note, the email address you enter will be the one the new user uses to log into ShopCPR to see your organization.
For detailed steps, view the how-to guide below:
How-To Guide – Add a New User to an Organization
Please note the following regarding adding Users:
•When adding a User, the email address you enter will be the one the new User uses to log into ShopCPR to see your Organization.
•If the User you are adding to your Organization already has an account with ShopCPR, you will want to make sure to use the email address for the User’s current account to ensure they can access your Organization and, if applicable, your Organization’s invoice account.
Question: How do I delete a User who should no longer have access to my Organization?
Answer: To delete users from your Organization, go to your profile and select My Organizations. Click the users icon or "View / Edit" link on the Organization block. On the User Management screen, you will see a trashcan icon and “Remove” next to the names of your Organization’s Users. Click Remove next to the User you want to delete. You will be asked to confirm removal.
Placing Your Order
Question: How do I place an order with ShopCPR?
Answer: You can shop for yourself or for an Organization online at ShopCPR.Heart.org. If you need assistance ordering by phone, you can call 1-888-CPR-LINE (888-277-5463); available Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Central Time.
For detailed steps, view the how-to guide below:
How-To Guide – Purchasing MaterialsQuestion: What are my payment options for orders placed on ShopCPR?
Answer: You can place an order on ShopCPR using a credit card at any time. Please note, when placing credit card orders, the billing address you enter in checkout must match the billing address for your credit card. Accepted credit cards include Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, and UnionPay.
Payment by invoice/purchase order is also available for approved customers.
Question: Is there a credit card limit for purchasing products?
Answer: Yes, the maximum purchase by credit card is $10,000. Customers who need to purchase more than $10,000 of product in an order should apply for an invoice account with the AHA.
Question: How can I print a receipt for my ShopCPR order?
Answer: You can print a receipt for your ShopCPR order from your ShopCPR account. Simply login to your account, click on your profile and select Order History from the dropdown menu. Next, click on the "View Receipt" link on the order that you would like to print. On the order details screen click the printer icon or "Print Receipt" link and a printable version of your receipt will open in a new tab.
Invoicing & Purchase Orders
Question: How do I apply for invoicing with ShopCPR?
Answer: If you would like to request that your Organization be able to pay via invoice, you can apply for a line of credit with ShopCPR. To apply for invoicing, simply visit your Organizations page in your account, click the “Apply for invoicing” link in the Organization for which you are applying, and complete the credit application. Additional information can be found at shopcpr.heart.org/invoicing
For detailed steps, view the how-to guide below:
How-To Guide – Applying for Invoicing
NOTE: Purchase Orders (POs) Before sending any POs to ShopCPR, you must first have an Organization set up in ShopCPR, and have applied and been approved for an invoicing account with the AHA. Any individual who will be submitting POs must be an active user with the Organization. A user that has been added to an Organization must log into ShopCPR before they are ‘active.’ Sending POs to ShopCPR prior to taking these steps may delay processing of your PO.
Question: How long after I apply for an invoice account with the AHA will I receive notice I’ve been approved or denied?
Answer: It may tAnswerake up to 2 weeks to receive approval (or denial) of your invoice account.
Receiving/Paying ShopCPR Invoices
Question: When will I receive my invoice?
Answer: Invoice customers (who have placed an order using their invoice account) should expect to receive their invoice weekly on Mondays for the previous week’s orders.
Question: Where will my invoice be sent?
Answer: Your invoice will be sent to the contact email that was used to apply for your Organization’s invoice account invoicing originally, unless you’ve edited this information on ShopCPR.
Question: How do I pay my invoice?
Answer: There are two ways invoice customers may pay their ShopCPR invoice: by check or ACH (electronic payment). Please note that invoices may not be paid by credit card or electronic credit card.
Invoice customers can find specific information on where to send payment by check or ACH on page two of their ShopCPR invoice.
ShopCPR Shipping Options
Question :What are my options for shipping print materials ordered from ShopCPR?
Answer: ShopCPR ships to the contiguous United States, Hawaii, and Alaska. Details and shipping options can be found at ShopCPR.Heart.org/shipping.
Please note, orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box. However, it may be acceptable to use the address of the Post Office as your shipping address. Please consult with your local post office for options.
Question: How can I track my package(s)/order(s)?
Answer: Once your order has been shipped, you can find your tracking number on your Order History page.
Receiving/Accessing Digital Products
Question: How quickly will I receive digital products ordered from ShopCPR?
Answer: eLearning and eBooks will be delivered immediately following purchase. There may be up to a one-hour delay for delivery of eCards to the Training Center Coordinator’s eCard inventory.
Question: How do I access digital products purchased from ShopCPR?
Answer: From your Order History page, you can easily access your purchased digital products. • If you purchased eCards, view your eCard inventory. • If you purchased eLearning or eBooks for yourself, go to your eLearning course or eBook. • If you purchased eLearning or eBooks for your organization, you can download your course URLs. • If you purchased eLearning or eBooks for your organization using a Training Central account, you can go to Training Central to manage inventory.
For detailed steps, view the how-to guide below:
How-To Guide – Accessing Digital Products from Order HistoryQuestion: Who do I contact if I’m having trouble using ShopCPR?
Answer: Contact ShopCPR Customer Support by phone at 888-CPR-LINE (277-5463); available Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Central Time, or by email at ShopCPR@email.ShopCPR.Heart.org.
Question: Who do I contact if I have a question about my order?
Answer: Contact ShopCPR Customer Support by phone at 888-CPR-LINE (277-5463); available Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Central Time, or by email at ShopCPR@email.ShopCPR.Heart.org.
Question: What is the return policy for orders placed on ShopCPR?
Answer: Information about returns to ShopCPR can be found here.
Question: I’m a user outside the US. Can I order from ShopCPR?
Answer: International customers may order digital products (eLearning and eBooks); however, at this time, ShopCPR only ships physical products to the contiguous United States, Hawaii, and Alaska. To order ECC international print products, visit www.international.heart.org.
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